Cal Coast Acidizing considers accident prevention a top priority during all phases of operation and administration. The intention of CCA management is to provide safe and healthy working conditions as well as establish and insist upon safe working practices for all employees.
CCA believes that all accidents are preventable, so we continuously work towards a goal of zero injuries. With all levels of CCA upholding our core values of safety, professionalism, and customer service, we believe that a culture of zero injuries is in our near future.
Every employee has an important role in our operations. We value the abilities, experience, and background that they contribute to our company. It is our employees who provide the services that our customers rely upon and enable us to grow and create new opportunities in the years to come.
Management is committed to ensuring that safety is the first priority to our operations. Accident prevention is the responsibility of all employees. Preventing accidents shall be a primary consideration in all phases of our operations and administration.